Dark Systems BBS
As of 09:00am on the 19th of May 2024
Total users: 527
Total calls since October, 2020: 4955 9.40 calls/user avg
Total number of LOCAL door games: 56
+ over 100 more thanks to these game servers:
BBSLink - BCR Games Server - Exodus Game Server - BBS Game Time - Gold Mine Community Door Server
Total FTN Message Nets: 14
FidoNet - fsxNet - MetroNet - AgoraNet - tqwNet
StarNet - MicroNet - AmigaNet - HobbyNet
WWiVnet - WeedNet - ILink
DoRENet - ArakNET
Most recent callers...
Node 1: Omnibrain
Node 2: Red Eagle
*Stats update everytime a user logs off the BBS